Saturday, 3 October 2015

The Friday Feeling 🎉

Hey lovelies! I can't believe that it's the end of another week & the start of a new month - this post is a part of a series called The Friday Feeling! Each week I'll be going into more detail about stuff that means a lot to me. 

• Photo Curtesy of @LosAngelesPic on Twitter •

When I was around 14/15 years old, I knew there was something " different " about me as such - I would react to things differently, I wouldn't understand things as much as others other, I would get quiet obsessed with a lot of different things. I knew I wasn't like anyone else in my year as such, I iust couldn't put my finder on it. 

As I got older, I started to see it more especially around people the same age as me - I would do things totally different than others would do it. Some of the other struggles while growing up were - learning how to dress myself properly, my speech as I had a really bad stammer { you wouldn't really notice it now } & my attention spam. 

In my late teens I found out I had Aspergers - it was a big shock but I kind of seen it coming, as such - as I knew I was different. I had a mild case of it and it doesn't affect me as much as it does with other people! I didn't know what to think of it at first as I was ashamed. I did a lot of research on it and I looked up facts, information & more on the Internet! 

Over the first few months I was ashamed and had no clue what to do, or what was going on. As time went on, I found out that it wasn't uncommon and a lot of famous & smart people had it! 

Now I have no problem talking about it and I feel that it's a topic or type of autism that people don't really know about. It's a part of me that I can't really change! I hope to change people's outlook on Aspergers with my blog and YouTube! 

Let me know in the comments if you've heard about it or thoughts on this post! 

ThatSoBekaah ox 

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