Sunday, 11 October 2015

Top Tips on Starting A YouTube Channel

Hey lovelies! This is one of the first Tips Posts that I've done all on this blog. This weeks topic is Top Tips on Starting a YouTube Channel which I've gathered over the past year and a bit of doing YouTube myself - these tips have worked for myself, so I'm hoping they'll work for other people too!

Pick Topics // Most people have a topic before they can decide on what they want to vlog etc. If you're going to have a topic, stick to it as most viewers don't like eg - say if you have a gaming channel and branch out into vlogs, they don't like that so you'll have to make a new channel!

A Name // You need a name that people will remember and it's easy to spell so people can spread your channel around for you. You don't want a channel name that is complicated and not easy to remember at all.

Have A Reason To Do It // You shouldn't really just join YouTube to make money as soon as possible because it doesn't work like that. If you love making videos - do it, do it for yourself and no one else.

Viewers // You need to have a target audience that you want to watch your video's so make sure it's suitable and it's something that they would like to watch as they will be the main viewers for your videos and channel.

Be Yourself // This is the main thing that you need to keep real - viewers will know when you're not yourself as you'll seem fake and people don't like that at all.

YouTube Networks // Most of them get in touch with thousands of creators a day - you need to do research into them, there will be good and bad reviews of course as they can't make everyone happy. If you are reaching the numbers every month and earning enough, join one, Most networks take 10% to 60% off your earnings though but they normally help you in any way that they can if you show them how serious you are.

Comments // Leaving comments on other people's video's is welcomed but please do not include in the comment to check out my channel or that you've subscribed and want a sub back - most people including myself hates it.

These are all my Top Tips for Starting A YouTube Channel. Let me know in the comments below - your tips for starting a channel!

ThatS0Bekaah ox

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