Tuesday, 24 November 2015

22 Things I've Learnt In 22 Years

Hey lovelies! This blog post just seemed like a fun post to do and it's a pretty personal post : most people probably have learnt these things but you never know! This blog post is all about the 22 Things I've Learnt In 22 Years : I turned 22 in August so I thought it would be a good post!

1) Being around positive people will give you a positive mindset.

2) Spirits and Demons are pretty real : I've had 3 encounters with spirits.

3) Living by " the book " isn't necessary

4) It's ok to not be ok.

5) People come and go out of your life : you never have the same friends from school into your teens or twenties.

6) Alcohol is amazing but also can be evil

7) You don't have to be someone you're not.

8) Onesies are great but if you need to pee, you'll be freezing

9) Never judge someone without knowing them first.

10) There are some horrible people in this world.

11) Appreciate the little things in life

12) Winning isn't everything

13) You need to make yourself happy before you can make anyone else happy

14) Coffee and Tea is horrible

15) Do the things you want to do, if you don't you'll regret it

16) Mom always knows best

17) Don't cry over boys : they ain't worth your tears

18) Have a plan but don't have it set in stone

19) Experience is way better than a qualification

20) You are perfect the way you are : no need to change

21) Not all guys are dicks


ThatSoBekaah ox


  1. These are some good lessons you've learned, Bekaah! Great to sort out the big lessons early in life. Although I've found that I've had to relearn some of them over and over again! Especially numbers 13 & 15. :)

  2. You've definitely learned some important things along the way! You are right about getting experience, too!

  3. I love all of these - and I agree about tea and coffee being horrible!! Tania xx taniamichele.blogspot.co.uk

  4. I love all of these especially no3 and no4 so true and most definitely a good lesson to learn x

  5. Great list and you are absolutely correct on all of of these things. Very bright lady for only being 22!

  6. Love the comments on alcohol - I often seem to need to relearn that especially as hangovers seem to get worse as you get older. Bad ones last 2 days now.

  7. Looks like you've learned a lot so far! ;) I have to disagree about coffee, though, I love it!

  8. i think it would take two posts for me to show all the things that i've learned! :D

  9. loving number 8, so true! And I used to hate Tea even though my whole family were massive tea drinkers, then one day when i was about 26 I just started drinking it!

  10. You have a lot of wisdom to share! I just don't know about the coffee and tea ;)

  11. I love this! You have learned some important lessons in your 22 years! I don't think I was quite so wise when I was 22, I still don't think I'm as wise and I have 6 more years!

  12. Oh yes. I totally agree with number 14 about tea and coffee. Bleurgh.

  13. Lol, #8 is my favorite but these are all wonderful and totally valuable life lessons. It's great you realize so many of these at 22, I am almost twice your age and just figuring out some of these. But coffee and tea? My lifesource. :)

  14. Forgot to add I hope you'll linkup with us at Small Victories Sunday Linkup open all week!

  15. Those are all nice, a little positivity goes a long way, especially if you apply it in everything that you do. I learned not to judge people too and understand them instead. The best thing is to really just be yourself and love yourself for who you are!

  16. I love this! I definitely agree with being around positive people making us positive. It is something I'm constantly working to do.

  17. I just turned 22 and agree with these! Okay except the tea and coffee one...I love green tea!

  18. Such a fun exercise. Brings back great memories of my 20s, along with some thing I wished I had learned way back then.

  19. this is such a great list & they are so true! Too bad I didn't learn some of these things earlier in life ;)

  20. Coffee and tea is horrible?!?!?!? Who are you?!?!?! ;-)

  21. These are so great lessons! I learned those lesson too!! As you get older you will learn more too!!!

  22. Can you write about your encounter with spirits? I would like to know more and although I am not a believer I find it fascinating to learn about.

  23. Alcohol is definitely one of those hard lessons to learn. I might have to introduce you to some good tea and coffee, though!

  24. I totally agree with about tea and coffee. Really you have have learnt lot of things in your 22 years.

  25. 16 is so true and I keep telling my kiddos that same one everyday! You've learned a lot, and thats great! Sometimes people don't learn half of these until much later than 22... - Jeanine

  26. What a fun post! I don't know if I could list 38 things I've learned in 38 years, haha!

  27. I love how you kept it totally real with this list. I agree with you, and you made me laugh!

  28. I think one of the best things you can do is surround yourself with positive people! Love this list!

  29. Great list, sounds like you have your head screwed on straight! My birthday is next month I may steal this idea. though I'd be doubling your figure! Eeek!

  30. Alcohol can surely be evil! ;) I know that I am so different now at 30 than when I was 22. IT's crazy how that happens!

  31. I think what stood out to me to me was being around positive people and having a plan but allowing for some flexibility. Positive people help lift me up. Having a plan is good but inevitably it will change so adaptability is important. What a great post!

  32. Wow! What a list! I do have to disagree with you about the tea...I love tea! I'm a total tea granny. I couldn't do without my tea!

  33. What a great list! I love the last one, it's so true. I try to find more happiness now after my kids.
