Friday, 20 November 2015

Top Twitter Tips For Bloggrs

Hey lovelies! I am back with another post from my  Top Tips Series for you all! This post is for another social media website : which I've been asked a lot of times from fellow bloggers and just people that want to use it! This post is all about Top Twitter Tips For Bloggers : Twitter is one of the best social media accounts that I use.


Now these are the best thing about Twitter for bloggers : they are such a great way to find new blogs, share your blog posts and much more! Whenever you share a blog post on Twitter : use the hashtags as a lot of people do check them out all the time, including myself. The most common hashtags that are used would be : #bbloggers #lbloggers #ukbloggers #bdib #irishblogs #itwbn #ltbloggers and #fblchat.


Now no matter what : you need to do this. Following fellow bloggers on Twitter is a great way to get support, new readers and even network with them. It's also a great way to find out about events and much more that's going on.


Any blogger will tell you that the Twitter Chats are a lifesaver for bloggers for a number of different reasons. There are chats every night on Twitter and during the day on weekdays. These are a great way to find new blogs, network with bloggers and brands and even making friends.
The most common chats are as follows :
Monday to Friday #ltbloggers @ 1pm & 5pm GMT 
Monday #BDIB @ 7pm  GMT
Tuesday #FBLCHAT @ 7pm GMT
Wednesday #lbloggers @ 7pm GMT
Wednesday #bbloggers @ 8pm GMT
Thursday #crazybloggers @ 7pm GMT
Friday #BDIB @ 8pm GMT
Saturday #SocialBloggers @ 6pm GMT


This is a very useful hashtags for bloggers to use as this can be where brands put in request for reviews or events & fellow bloggers use it. If you want to get a brand involved in a Christmas or Birthday Gift Guide : you can use this hashtag too! Just please do not over use this as it does get on people's minds.


This is one thing that a whole lot of bloggers including myself hate : especially when people keep on following and unfollowing you because they don't get a follow back, its a big no no in the blogging world and it's so easy to find out who's doing it.


Please fellow bloggers : do not use the auto direct messages feature that you can get. It counts as spam and most bloggers will unfollow you if  you send them, including myself. It's just not right nor very friendly as it can annoy someone a lot. There have been plenty of rants on Twitter about them so do not be one of those people.


Now if your like most of us, you like to keep an eye on your followers : this app is for you without a doubt. You can track your followers and unfollowers. This app even allows you to look at your statistics and even schedule Tweets.


This is a massive tool for a blogger. This allows you to schedule tweets for your twitter account. Most bloggers tweet new blog posts every two hours throughout the day and then social media accounts every one to three hours : depending on the blogger themselves.

ThatSoBekaah ox


  1. I don't mind the automessage, I think it is nice to thank someone for following you x

    1. I find them ok but I get so many everyday as I follow people back and it's a pain! ox

  2. I too am ok with some automessage especially if it's thanking me for the follow but otherwise am ok with these tips

    1. thanking for the follow is ok but when it's full of links : thats a big no! ox

  3. Thank you for sharing, especially the #prrequest

  4. That's really cool, I never thought of utilizing twitter this way before. Hashtags are a given, but as for twitter parties and twitter chats? I've never tried those!

    1. Twitter is amazing, I literally live on it :) ox

  5. You are so helpful, I am looking to get Twitter for my blog and need all this information for when I open an account. How do the Twitter chats work? x

    1. There is normally a host for each chat & they start asking questions on the hashtag and then you answer them :) ox

  6. Can you tell me what hash tag lblogger and bblogger mean? So I know which one to use. Thank you. I am new to blogging, I just want to make sure I use the right ones.

    1. #lblogger - lifestyle and #bbloggers - beauty :) ox

  7. Such great tips and I will implement all these steps to boost my twitter campaign!!

  8. and let me add one additional tip if i may - don't overtweet - cos' too much tweeting may be interpreted as spamming! :D

    1. I tweet 100+ a day and I'm doing fine with nearly 15k followers :P ox

  9. Great tips! And I love your list of Twitter chats, those have been the most effective way for me to grow.

  10. great tips, I have started using Twitter a lot more and never knew about those hashtags

    1. Twitter is so good for bloggers : you should use t :) ox

  11. great tips ... im ok with automessage tho... its better than nothing

  12. I keep thinking about Buffer but haven't quite got round to it! It's on my to do list. I've not come across some of these hashtags so thank you for these too X

  13. Some great tips and I agree about autos when you follow. Have really not put much effort into Twitter lately.

  14. All great tips. No follow for follow and definitely use crowd fire to thin out the fake followers!

  15. Thanks for the great tips. I try to be active on Twitter, but it's just not my thing.

  16. I've had to make lists on twitter to keep my stream manageable. It's such a blur when tweets are flying by.

  17. What great tips, thanks so much for sharing

  18. These are very helpful tips. I have joined twitter chat and parties before and it was really fun.

  19. The auto direct messages are BEYOND annoying. I ignore them, and don't even bother with them. They were fine years ago, but now it's just a huge annoyance. - Jeanine

  20. Twitter is so super overwhelming. I have just started using it. I am not crazy about twitter chats. I use hashtags and I LOVE buffer! It saves me so much time while I am at work! :) Thanks for the tips! LifeAsLex

  21. Some good tips. I like the automessage so long as it can autopopulate with the user's first name and not attach a signature like "via crowdfire." Too obvious. Love auto messages that engage me and get me to want to respond to them. Like "Hey Jenn! How is your Friday going? Any big plans for the weekend?" I know they're sending it to all of their followers, but it engages me still. Jenn @BecauseImCheap

  22. One thing that really grinds my nerves is the follow for follow people. I don't automatically follow back. I just don't. I wait till the end of the week and decide if those that followed me that week are anything I'm interested in, or can relate to, or promote to my following. Nothing more annoying to have someone follow you Monday only to unfollow you tuesday! Yeah I really want to be associated with you now, NOT!

  23. some interesting tips threre. I have joined joined a twitter chat and I think it would be a good way to connect with more and be more social than link dumping.

  24. These are great tips, I'm only getting used to twitter so I will be using these tips x

  25. These are great tips for bloggers, I love the buffer tool for Twitter.

  26. The auto messages are annoying, I agree. I'm really trying to up my following and hashtags alone don't seem to be doing it. The mass following is yielding results though.....

  27. Great tips and I have a buffer account. I'm not using it enough though :/

  28. I used to get so frustrated with Twitter and the short word limit. After spending some time "playing" with it, now it's one of my favorite social platforms! lol

  29. I've never participated in a Twitter Chat or Twitter Party. Thanks for the tips!

  30. Omg so much yes! I'm someone who actually gets most of her blog traffic from Twitter! You pretty much nailed a lot of it.... Especially the follow for follow!

  31. Gigantic round of applause on the Direct Message point. I unfollow more people after getting an auto message than I could count. A thank you Tweet is so much better.

  32. I hate automessaging and honestly I don't watch my followers. Everyone is different and I never have time to look at my Twitter feed. I use CrowdFire to unfollow people who don't follow me back, I get better rating with one company that I work for with sponsored content. I'm not hurt when people unfollow me, my best friend doesn't use Twitter so its nothing personal to me.

  33. Seriously love the tips and couldn't have come at a better time for me. I really need to learn how to use twitter for my blog.
